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Decrease Hand Numbness with These Mobility and Stretching Exercises

Numbness, tingling, pain in your wrists and fingers is NOT normal. It is COMMON, but not normal. The good news is you don’t have to live with it. There are simple, effective exercises that can not only ease your symptoms, but prevent them from coming back.

Wrist Flexor Stretch – 3 for 30 seconds

You can do this stretch sitting or standing. Start with your arm straight out in front of you with palm up. Then with your other hand, pull your fingers and palm back towards your body. You should feel the stretch in your forearm.

Wrist Extensor Stretch – 3 for 30 seconds

Similar starting position as the Wrist Flexor Stretch, however, your palm will be facing down. With your other hand, apply pressure to the backside of your hand and push towards your body.

Doorway Pectoralis Stretch – 3 for 30 seconds

Find a doorway that you can utilize the frame without any tripping hazards. Start with one arm in a 90/90 position as shown in the picture below. Make sure that your shoulder is relaxed and not up by your ear. Without turning your body, take one step through the doorway. You should feel the stretch along the front of your chest. If it doesn’t feel like a good stretch, take another step forward.

Upper Trap Stretch – 3 for 30 seconds

Same stretch we performed for the neck post. Perform standing or sitting. Start with good upright posture. Gently bring your ear to your shoulder. Remember NOT your shoulder to your ear. Should feel a nice gentle stretch along the top of your shoulder into your neck.

Now that your muscles are stretched and moving better, it is time to perform some strengthening exercises to prevent those muscles from tightening back up..

Tendon Gliding – 10 times through all 9 steps

This exercise can be challenging so perform it slowly and try your best to get your fingers in the right position. It will get easier the more you perform. The picture is a better demonstration than talking you through it.

Rubber Band Extensions – 2 sets of 10

Find a rubber band and place it around your fingers closer to the tips. Start with your fingertips touching and then open your fingers against the rubber band.

Ball Squeeze – 2 sets of 10, holding for 5 seconds

Find a ball, washcloth, or stress ball and place in your hand. You will squeeze the object and hold for 5 seconds. Make sure that all fingers are performing the motion.

Wrist Flexion – 2 sets of 15

Place your forearm on your kitchen table or your countertop. Have your wrist hanging off the edge with your palm up. Start with nothing in your hand and curl your wrist up. If this is too easy you can increase the repetitions or add a can of soup.

Wrist Extension – 2 sets of 15

Same setup as the Wrist Flexion exercise except your palm will be facing down. Then curl your wrist upward. Once again if too easy, increase your repetitions or add a can or soup.

Try to perform these exercises twice daily to decrease symptoms and continue to prevent them from returning in the future. Disclaimer: I am in no way diagnosing anyone, if you have persistent pain you need to call your local physical therapist and schedule an appointment.

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My name is Courtney Scholl and I have have my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine...

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