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My name is Courtney Scholl and I have my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. I decided to start this blog for several reasons. One reason is because of COVID-19, I am currently not working so that I decrease my exposure in order to keep my 5 month old safe. Another reason is because I get asked questions all the time referring to an alignment that a friend or family member has and what they need to do to fix it . My final reason is to help educate and inform my readers what physical therapy is, what can be treated, and how treatment should be given. A little background information on me, I was born and raised in Florida, I currently reside in Florida with my husband, two daughters, and two Rhodesian ridgebacks. I graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University with my B.S. in Athletic training and then went on to get my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine.

My background is mostly in outpatient orthopedics but I also have experience with pediatrics and pelvic floor health. I have been practicing PT for 5 years now in an outpatient orthopedic setting.

I chose this profession because when I was 17 I tore my ACL while playing soccer and had to get reconstruction surgery. I had to go through 9 months of physical therapy. I enjoyed going to every session, observing the other patients, and PTs as they worked together to rehab through their injury. I knew from then on that was my ultimate goal. I was advised to go the Athletic Training path because it lined up well with Physical Therapy prerequisites. I ended up loving AT and worked for 3 years as one. However, I realized that I still wanted my ultimate goal which was PT. I applied to 5 schools and got denied from all 5. I was getting frustrated and defeated and then I decided to apply to one more, University of St. Augustine. I got accepted and it was the best decision I made. I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time but was having a hard time finding the time. Now that I have a little extra time on my hands, I figure no better time than now. I hope you enjoy my posts and if there is ever a topic you want discussed please leave a comment below!

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My name is Courtney Scholl and I have have my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine...

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